Sign Sightings...
Oh no... the Dreaded "ANTI" virus!
Captain Hook's bathroom reminder. (Actually, this is often done in India.)
Sounds delicious! I'll have glass. Is it warm?
I prefer to drool, thank you very much.
We don't get much business... but he likes a clean potty.
I'm glad I can use my Amex once again.
They need the sign above.
Nice work!
Hungry for some Breackfast?
Mr. Clothing (nickname: Cloth) told me it would be done by today!
I'm ready for some fine dinning. How many stair is their?
I hope the remodelations are done correct!
What sort of service does this guy provide???
This masterpiece was found at Houston's Braeswood Hotel.
Is this where you go AFTER you eat too much Thai food?
More Crazy Signs!