Dr. James Hansen

36 years ago (June 23, 1988), NASA Director, Dr. James Hansen became the world's most famous climate scientist. (A Prophet of Doom Was Right About the Climate - NYTimes). Dr. Hansen testified to congress in 1988 about the dangers of increasing CO2 emissions. He warned we should not exceed 350 ppm (parts per million). CO2 levels have hit 420 ppm, the highest ever in human history.


30 years later, deniers are still lying about Hansen's amazing global warming prediction

Hansen's "Projection B" was very accurate, although actual warming is now accelerating even faster than projected.


Exxon's predictions were also very accurate. (Thanks to Dana Nuccitelli for this observation and overlay.) 20-second video




What about the Paris Accord vs an at-scale policy response?

Dr. Hansen puts Paris Climate Accord in perspective, lauds the work of CCL, explains carbon pricing: 2-min. audio / 20-second excerpt

Audio extracted from July, 2017 On Point interview on NPR:

James Hansen's TED Talk:



Upon learning of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (first announced Nov. 27, 2018) Dr. James Hansen wrote:

"Unbelievable. With 100,000 supporters across the country, we now have a climate bill that serves the people by cutting carbon emissions and putting money in people's pockets. Climate change is incredibly urgent and serious, as I warned Congress when I first testified about global warming in 1988. This bill gives us the chance to fight it seriously and on a big scale. I encourage everyone to support the bipartisan Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act."  Here's how Edit: CCL now comprises over 200,000 supporters.

Jim Hansen, CCL Advisory Board Member.


At CCL's June 2018 Conference, Citizens' Climate Lobby founder, Marshall Saunders presented the Voice of the Earth Award to Dr. Jim Hansen, for his 30 years of hard work to solve climate change. When Hansen walked on stage, 1,200 people immediately rose to their feet clapping in respect and appreciation of this man and the science behind his work.


Connection to Earthwatch.org.

Sitting on Dr. Hansen's team that famously testified to Congress in 1988 was Earthwatch Board Member and Nobel laureate, William Moomaw. Dr. Moomaw authored a number of IPCC assessment reports.

Bill is an active Board member of Earthwatch and joined us on our June, 2018 Earthwatch expedition for the Iceland Orca Project.