Jan Booher is currently serving as Project Director on an EPA Environmental Justice grant awarded to the Green Sanctuary Committee of The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton. Among the goals of this project is the creation of a website with tri-lingual materials explaining basic climate change science, the connections between climate change and health, and health tips to stay safe as the climate changes. Educational video on climate change and health (Password: EPA)

This environmental justice project is also an empowerment pilot study in two vulnerable communities, to identify some best practices in multi-lingual outreach (English, Spanish and Creole). Here is a video that shows an excerpt from an Outreach training session. Last year, Jan provided leadership for the HighWaterLine Delray Beach public art project, which marked 4 ft of elevation in three Delray Beach communities, to open dialogue about what could be submerged by sea level rise by the end of the century. Jan is also serving as President of the Unitarian Universalist Southeast Florida Cluster, and as a Trustee of the statewide ministry: Unitarian Universalist Justice Florida. She co-founded the Climate Action Coalition of Florida and the Florida Earth Festival, and has served on the planning committee for the Florida Interfaith Climate Action Network for its first two statewide assemblies.

Jan Booher has provided leadership for diverse multi-ethnic and multi-lingual interfaith and secular coalitions on campaigns that have altered policy, raised awareness, energized and unified coalitions, and inspired the public. Prior to directing her efforts to climate justice, Jan provided campaign leadership for the interfaith justice group People Engaged in Active Community Efforts, which succeeded in securing $2 million for affordable housing in Palm Beach County establishing a wage theft docket in the 5th Circuit Court, and creating a Restorative Justice program in West Palm Beach.

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