Stand Up!


Sitting Disease by the Numbers



Other solutions:

Purchase a treadmill desk for my wife, like this one from LifeSpan.


What about me??? (Fred Sanford strikes again!)

= stand-up workstation!

Gateway keyboard came from trash in 2004

This stand-up workstation is made completely from dicscarded materials (including the keyboard) mounted ontop of Grandpa's old desk.)

Desk assembly needed a crossmember to steady its lateral motion.
Found what I needed a few days later by a Wynwood dumpster.

I've since upgraded to an in-closet standup worksation.

Doing the needful. In India, this type of improvising has a word - jugaad.

If you're not into the DIY tip and want something of quality, move your mouse over this very cool Steelcase hybrid desk!


Autonomous Standing Desk Review

Hamster Desk


Bioinformed Design:TED: Jessica Green - We're covered in germs. Let's design for that.

Peole are moving away from sitting and silos, but if you've gotta sit, this might be a cool place to do it. Amazing Architect Firm Office in Paris .

While not explicitly about muscle memory, this excellent article addresses the concept and much more: Your Phone vs. Your Heart

Related IEQ links

Biophilia and Biomimicry coming soon:

Film Trailer - Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life