Catalyzing Change: Communicating Corporate Sustainability and Green Building

20 new Climate Leaders were motivated enough to endure a 4th day of class.
Most participants had just attended the Climate Leadership training from Climate Reality Project over the previous three days.
Some people changed travel plans to remain longer in Delhi. Some traveled for hours (from East Delhi) to attend this special session held in South Delhi.
Participants came from Thailand, Bangaldesh, Nepal, India and USA.


Paharpur Business Centre:

PBC has achieved the highest level LEED certification under the most important LEED rating system - LEED for Existing Buildings (LEED EB). Commonly referred to as "EBOM" this rating system is about he operations & maintenance of existing buildings. Unlike other LEED rating systems which are forward-looking, and based on design and construction, EBOM is backward-looking, with certification based on actual performance in a number of key areas including energy and water conservation, waste minimization and diversion, sustainable procurement, green cleaning, integrated pest management and minizied use of chemicals for cleaning and other purposes. Aside from this worthy accolade (LEED Platinum) PBC is a unique environment with areca palms, sanseveria, and money plants dispersed throughout the space providing excellent IAQ (indoor air quality) for the building's occupants.

Thanks to Rithinkar Narayan and Smruti Sweta for your professionalism and patience in helping me organize this special event.

Benefits of superior Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Thank you Mr. Kamal Meattle for your vision, wisdom, and for providing me the healthiest spot in Delhi to conduct this class.