"Windows Key" Shortcuts Win (alone) = Open "Start Menu"

Win+E = Windows Explorer

Win+D = Minimize All windows, including active dialog boxes.
(toggle to undo)

Win+M = Minimize All windows / Shift+Win+M = undo Minimize All

Win+R = Run

Win+F = Find Files or Folders

Win+Ctrl+F = Find Computer

Win+Break = System Properties

Win+F1 = Windows Help

Win+Tab = Switch focus between Taskbar buttons

Win+L = Lock Workstation (Windows XP)

Cool Sites

Gmail - The complete reference

10 Simple Google Search Tricks

10 Minute email - get an email address that lasts for 10 minutes!

Schedule Hibernation

Nine Ways to Make Your Mouse Roar

Nine Cool Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Wikipedia

Top Ten Wikipedia Tips!

MS-Word Trick: Copy & Paste Paragraph Formatting from one paragraph to another:

1. Place your insertion point (cursor) anywhere in the "source" paragraph, (the one containing the desired formatting)
2. Press Ctrl-Shift-C
3. Pplace your insertion point in the "target" paragraph (the one you want to adopt new formatting)
4. Press Ctrl-Shift-V to apply/paste the formatting from the source to the target paragraph!

Don't forget about the Repeat Last Action command, (F4). Use this to replay the last action. You can re-apply formatting, or to re-do nearly ANY other command over and over again! (use F4 to "replay" Ctrl-Shift-V!)
Outlook Calendar Tip: Alt + = to switch to Month Calendar.

Alt + 1: switch to ONE day calendar

Alt + 2: switch to TWO days, and so on...

Alt + - (hyphen): switch to Week calendar.

Outlook tip: Create a Regenerating Task!

Recurring vs. Regenerating Tasks!

Start Programs Faster! and clean up your Desktop at the same time!

Accessing icons on the Windows Desktop is often time-consuming and troublesome because it means minimizing all the programs you're currently using. This is unnecessary!

Here are four different ways to start programs faster and easier:

-> Add them to the first level of the Start Menu. For programs located under Start | Programs (or deeper) right-click them and choose: "Pin to Start menu".

-> Drag icons from your Desktop to the Start menu by droping them on the Start button. Because the Start menu is always available, these shortcuts are now much more accessible, even via keyboard!

-> Better yet, for oft-used programs - drag & drop shortcuts to the Quick Launch Bar. These shortcuts require only a single click!
Quick Launch Bar

-> My personal favorite: Assign a keyboard shortcut to start a program.
1. Right-click its icon on the Desktop or Start menu.
2. Choose Properties.
3. Press Tab twice to navigate to the Shortcut Key field.
4. Type a key (like "p" for Paint) and click OK or press Enter.
(Now Paint starts by pressing Ctrl+Alt+P.)

Other key combinations can be accessed too. Experiment with different letters by holding down Ctrl / Shift / Alt keys in different combination or individually.

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